
How To Combine Multiple Columns Into One List In Excel

Neha is a software professional with 13+ years of experience in the It Industry. She enjoys writing technical tutorials.

Combining two or more cavalcade values in an Excel worksheet can be easily done using a simple mathematical formula. The process of combining is also known as concatenation.

Formula: Concatenate(Cell1, Cell2,….)

How to Combine Two or More than Column Values

ane. Assume these are the values in the ii columns that yous desire to combine into ane.


2. Corresponding to the kickoff row of values, click on the cell where yous want the concatenated value to appear. Start typing the formula with =CON, a listing of formulae will appear. Select the Concatenate part by double clicking on it.


3. Select the first jail cell to be concatenated by clicking on it. The cell number will automatically appear in the formula.


4. Blazon in a comma and click on the 2nd cell to be concatenated. The prison cell number of the 2d prison cell will also automatically appear in the formula. You can continue this process of adding cells to be combined by typing comma & jail cell number for all columns. Once you lot are washed adding the prison cell numbers you can close the formula using a closing brace.


5. In this case, we merely take two columns to be combined. Hence, we can close the formula using a closing brace and hitting Enter. The final formula will expect similar this: =Concatenate(A2,B2).


half-dozen. In one case y'all striking enter, the concatenated value will appear in the cell where you have typed the formula.


vii. If you lot want to copy the formula, select the cell where the formula was written and hitting Ctrl+C to copy the formula.


eight. Select the cells where the formula is going to be pasted.


9. Hit Ctrl+V to paste the formula in the selected cells. The issue will exist a column with the merged values from the two columns.


This commodity is authentic and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does non substitute for personal counsel or professional person communication in business, fiscal, legal, or technical matters.

© 2012 Petite Hubpages Fanatic

Petite Hubpages Fanatic (author) from Hyderabad on December 27, 2012:

Thank you for your interest collegedad. I am glad my hub was of some use for y'all.

Yeah, I am currently working on some more hubs on MS Excel. Meanwhile, you lot may want to go through one of my other hubs on Excel. Here's the link:

collegedad from The Upper Peninsula on December 27, 2012:

I'yard excel illiterate, but would like to larn more about it. Spreadsheets and graphs are required in a lot of my papers. I have a miserable time putting them together. Would be smashing to have a serial of hubs that explain Excel in item. Great hub and thanks!


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