
How To Apply Center Horizontal Alignment In Excel

In this tutorial, we will wait at how to marshal cells in Excel likewise every bit how to modify text orientation, justify and distribute text horizontally or vertically, align a column of numbers past decimal signal or specific character.

By default, Microsoft Excel aligns numbers to the lesser-correct of cells and text to the lesser-left. Withal, you can easily change the default alignment by using the ribbon, keyboard shortcuts, Format Cells dialog or by setting your ain custom number format.

  • How to change alignment in Excel
  • Excel alignment shortcuts
  • How to align text using Format Cells dialog
  • Change alignment with custom number format
  • Align a column of numbers by decimal point
  • Align numbers in a cavalcade past a specific character

How to change alignment in Excel using the ribbon

To change text alignment in Excel, select the cell(s) y'all desire to realign, go to the Home tab > Alignment group, and choose the desired option:
Excel alignment options on the ribbon

Vertical alignment

If you'd like to align data vertically, click one of the following icons:

Please note that changing vertical alignment does not have any visual result unless you increment the row height.

Horizontal alignment

To align your information horizontally, Microsoft Excel provides these options:

By combining different vertical and horizontal alignments, you can arrange the jail cell contents in unlike ways, for instance:

Change text orientation (rotate text)

Click the Orientation button on the Home tab, in the Alignment group, to rotate text up or downward and write vertically or sideways. These options come in especially handy for labeling narrow columns:
Rotate text and write vertically or sideways.

Indent text in a cell

In Microsoft Excel, the Tab key does not indent text in a jail cell like it does, say, in Microsoft Word; it only moves the pointer to the next cell. To change the indentation of the cell contents, apply the Indent icons that reside right underneath the Orientation push.

To movement text further to the right, click the Increase Indent icon. If you have gone likewise far right, click the Decrease Indent icon to move the text back to the left.
Indent text in a cell

Shortcut keys for alignment in Excel

To change alignment in Excel without lifting your fingers off the keyboard, y'all can use the following handy shortcuts:

  • Summit alignment - Alt + H then A + T
  • Middle alignment - Alt + H then A + M
  • Lesser alignment - Alt + H then A + B
  • Left alignment - Alt + H then A + L
  • Middle alignment - Alt + H and then A + C
  • Right alignment - Alt + H so A + R

At first sight, information technology looks like a lot of keys to remember, just upon a closer wait the logic becomes obvious. The first key combination (Alt + H) activates the Home tab. In the second key combination, the first letter is e'er "A" that stands for "alignment", and the other letter denotes the management, e.g. A + T - "align top", A + 50 - "align left", A + C - "center alignment", and so on.

To simplify things farther, Microsoft Excel volition brandish all alignment shortcuts for you as soon every bit you press the Alt + H key combination:
Shortcut keys for alignment in Excel

How to align text in Excel using the Format Cells dialog

Another way to re-marshal cells in Excel is using the Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog box. To get to this dialog, select the cells you lot desire to align, and then either:

  • Press Ctrl + ane and switch to the Alignment tab, or
  • Click the Dialog Box Launcher arrow at the lesser right corner of the Alignment

Click the Dialog Box Launcher arrow to get to the Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

In addition to the most used alignment options available on the ribbon, the Format Cells dialog box provides a number of less used (but non less useful) features:
Additional alignment options are available in the Format Cells dialog.

Now, let's take a closer look at the most important ones.

Text alignment options

Apart from aligning text horizontally and vertically in cells, these options let y'all to justify and distribute the cell contents equally well as fill an unabridged cell with the current data.
Text alignment options

How to fill cell with the current contents

Use the Fill option to repeat the current jail cell content for the width of the cell. For example, yous can quickly create a edge chemical element by typing a period in one prison cell, choosing Fill under Horizontal alignment, and then copying the prison cell across several adjacent columns:

Filing a cell with the current contents

How to justify text in Excel

To justify text horizontally, go to the Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog box, and select the Justify selection from the Horizontal drop-downward listing. This will wrap text and conform spacing in each line (except for the terminal line) so that the offset word aligns with the left edge and last word with the correct border of the cell:
Justify text horizontally.

The Justify choice under Vertical alignment also wraps text, merely adjusts spaces between lines so the text fills the unabridged row height:
Justify text vertically.

How to distribute text in Excel

Similar Justify, the Distributed option wraps text and "distributes" the prison cell contents evenly beyond the width or height of the prison cell, depending on whether y'all enabled Distributed horizontal or Distributed vertical alignment, respectively.

Dissimilar Justify, Distributed works for all lines, including the final line of the wrapped text. Fifty-fifty if a cell contains brusque text, it will exist spaced-out to fit the column width (if distributed horizontally) or the row pinnacle (if distributed vertically). When a jail cell contains just one item (text or number without in-between spaces), it will be centered in the cell.

This is what the text in a distributed jail cell looks like:

When changing the Horizontal alignment to Distributed, you can set the Indent value, telling Excel how many indent spaces you lot desire to accept afterward the left border and earlier the right border.

If you don't want whatsoever indent spaces, yous can check the Justify Distributed box at the bottom of the Text alignment section, which ensures that there are no spaces between the text and cell borders (the same as keeping the Indent value to 0). If Indent is gear up to some value other than zip, the Justify Distributed choice is disabled (grayed out).

The following screenshots demonstrate the divergence betwixt distributed and justified text in Excel:

Tips and notes:

  • Usually, justified and/or distributed text looks meliorate in wider columns.
  • Both Justify and Distributed alignments enable wrapping text In the Format Cells dialog, the Wrap text box will be left unchecked, but the Wrap Text button on the ribbon volition be toggled on.
  • As is the case with text wrapping, sometimes yous may need to double click the purlieus of the row heading to force the row to resize properly.

Center across option

Exactly as its proper noun suggests, this selection centers the contents of the left-about cell across the selected cells. Visually, the outcome is duplicate from merging cells, except that the cells are not actually merged. This may help you present the data in a better way and avoid undesirable side-effects of merged cells.
Center across selection

Text control options

These options control how your Excel data is presented in a cell.

Wrap text - if the text in a prison cell is larger than the cavalcade width, enable this characteristic to brandish the contents in several lines. For more data, please encounter How to wrap text in Excel.

Compress to fit - reduces the font size so that the text fits into a cell without wrapping. The more text in that location is in a cell, the smaller it will appear.

Merge cells - combines selected cells into i cell. For more information, please come across How to merge cells in Excel without losing data.

The following screenshots show all text control options in action.

Changing text orientation

The text orientation options bachelor on the ribbon only allow to make text vertical, rotate text upwards and down to 90 degrees and turn text sideways to 45 degrees.

The Orientation choice in the Format Cells dialog box enables you to rotate text at any angle, clockwise or counterclockwise. Only type the desired number from xc to -90 in the Degrees box or drag the orientation arrow.
Change text orientation

Changing text direction

The bottom-near department of the Alignment tab, named Right-to-left, controls the text reading order. The default setting is Context, only you can alter it to Right-to-Left or Left-to-Right. In this context, "right-to-left" refers to any language that is written from right to left, for example Arabic. If you don't have a right-to-left Role linguistic communication version installed, and then you volition need to install an appropriate linguistic communication pack.

How to change alignment in Excel with custom number format

For starters, it should be noted that the Excel number format is not explicitly designed for setting cell alignment. However, information technology allows "hardcoding" alignment for certain cells to ensure that your data looks exactly the way yous desire, regardless of the alignment options enabled on the ribbon. Please note, this method requires at least some basic noesis of format codes, which are explained in detail in this tutorial: Custom Excel number format. Below I will demonstrate the general technique.

To set cell alignment with a custom number format, use the repeat characters syntax, which is nothing else simply the asterisk (*) followed by the character yous want to echo, the infinite grapheme in this case.

For example, to get numbers to align left in cells, take a regular format code that displays 2 decimal places #.00, and type an asterisk and a space at the stop. Every bit the result, you go this format: "#.00* " (double quotes are used only to show that an asterisk is followed past a space character, yous don't want them in a real format code). If you desire to display a thousand separator, use this custom format: "#,###* "

Taking a step further, you can strength numbers to align left and text to align correct by defining all iv sections of the number format: positive numbers; negative numbers; zero; text. For instance: #,###* ; -#,###* ; 0* ;* @

With the format code established, perform the following steps to apply it:

  1. Select a cell(s) that you want to format.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1 to open up the Format Cells
  3. Under Category, select Custom.
  4. Type your custom format code in the Blazon
  5. Click OK to save the newly created format.

Change alignment in Excel by applying a custom number format.

At present, no matter what alignment options your users select on the ribbon, the data volition be aligned according to the custom number format you've ready:
Custom number formats to align text in Excel

At present that y'all know the essentials of Excel alignment, permit me bear witness you a couple of tips to enhance the visual presentation of your information.

How to align a column of numbers by decimal point in Excel

To align numbers in a cavalcade by decimal point, create a custom number format as explained in the above example. Just this time, you will be using the "?" placeholder that leaves a space for insignificant zeros merely does non display them.

For example, to marshal numbers in a column by decimal point and display up to 2 decimal places, yous can use any of the following formats:

  • #.?? - drops insignificant zeros to the left of the decimal point. For example, 0.5 will be displayed every bit .5
  • 0.?? - shows one insignificant zero to the left of the decimal betoken.
  • 0.0? - shows one insignificant zero on both sides of the decimal point. This format is best to be used if your column contains both integers and decimals (please see the screenshot below).

In the in a higher place format codes, the number of question marks to the right of the decimal point indicates how many decimal places y'all desire to show. For case, to display iii decimal places, utilise #.??? or 0.??? or 0.0?? format.

If you want to align numbers to the left in cells and accept the decimal points align, click the Align Left icon on the ribbon, so use a custom format similar to this: _-???0.0?;-???0.0?


  • Semicolon (;) divides the format for positive numbers and zeros from the format for negative numbers.
  • Underscore (_) inserts a whitespace equal to the width of a minus (-) character.
  • The number of placeholders to the correct of the decimal point determines the maximum number of decimal places to be displayed (ii in the to a higher place format).
  • A question mark (?) to the left of the decimal point takes up a space equal to the width of one digit, if a digit is not nowadays. So, the above format code will piece of work for numbers that have up to 3 digits in the integer part. If you are dealing with bigger numbers, you will accept to add more than "?" placeholders.

The following screenshot shows the above custom number formats in action:
Aligning a column of numbers by decimal point

How to align numbers in a cavalcade by a specific character/symbol

In situations when the capabilities of Excel alignment may not be sufficient to replicate a certain data layout, Excel formulas may work a care for. To makes things easier to understand, let's consider the following example.

Goal: To accept numbers centered in cells and aligned by the plus (+) symbol:
Aligning a column of numbers by a certain character

Solution: Create a helper column with the following formula, and then utilize a monotype font similar "Courier New" or "Lucida Sans Typewriter" to the helper cavalcade.

REPT(" ", n - Observe("char", prison cell))&cell


  • cell - a cell containing the original string.
  • char - a graphic symbol yous desire to align by.
  • n - the maximal number of characters before the adjustment graphic symbol, plus i.

How this formula works: In essence, the formula adds leading spaces to the original string by repeating the space character, and so concatenates those spaces with the string. The number of spaces is calculated past subtracting the position of the aligning grapheme from the maximum number of characters preceding it.

In this case, the formula takes the post-obit shape:

=REPT(" ",12-FIND("+",A2))&A2

And works perfectly!
Numbers are aligned in a column by the plus sign.

This is how you change cell alignment in Excel. I thank you for reading and hope to come across you on our blog next week.

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