
How To Create A Form In Excel

Let's say you own a hot sauce company.

Having an Excel customer feedback class volition tell you how tasty 😋 and spicy 🌶️ your sauce is. Beats asking people individually, any 24-hour interval, right?

And so whether you want to survey customers, take client feedback, or collect information from employees, Excel forms can be handy.

Just how exercise you create a form in Excel in the first place?!

In this article, yous'll learn how to create a form in Excel.

Nosotros'll also become over its limitations and suggest an alternative tool to create forms easily.

Make manner for the hot sauce feedback with a quick Excel course!

What Are Excel Forms?

An Excel form is a information collection tool from Microsoft Excel. It's basically a dialog box containing fields for a single tape.

In each record, you can enter upwardly to 32 fields, and your Excel worksheet column headers become the form field names.

What are the benefits of using an Excel information entry class?

Now Excel isn't easy.

Its countless cells arrive difficult to know where to feed what data.

Like trying to empathise what 'mild' means when all you know and honey is spicy sauces!

This is why people use Excel forms to make quick data entries in the right fields without scrolling up and downward the whole worksheet.

No more inbound data into an Excel spreadsheet row after row after row later row…

a chef kissing her fingers

An Excel data entry form lets you lot:

  • View more information without scrolling upwards and downwards
  • Include data validation
  • Reduce chances of human errors

Sounds quite helpful. And so let'due south acquire how to create an Excel grade.

How To Create A Form In Excel?

Earlier you cook up a form in Excel, you gotta do the prep work.

First, you must have your columns or fields ready.

They're your raw ingredients, similar chili peppers or ginger, ready for your sauce.

Yous too accept to find the 'Form' option.

No worries.

We'll help you lot make a table, find the 'Form' option, and create an Excel form using a pace-past-step guide:

Pace one: Make a quick Excel table

Open an Excel spreadsheet, and you'll start on the start sail tab (by default).

For this course, you're the owner of a hot sauce visitor.

And we're gonna make a client feedback form for your succulent sauce.

Here's an example of the columns y'all tin add to your Excel worksheet:

columns in an excel sheet

Now y'all have to convert your column names into a table.

Just select the column headers > click on Insert > Tables > Table.

A tiny dialog box should pop up. Make sure to tick the My table has headers checkbox.

dialog box for create table

Click on OK, and you should become an Excel table equally shown in the image beneath.

excel table

Here, you can suit the column width depending on the information the field may comprise.

Step 2: Add data entry form pick to the Excel ribbon

Take a good look at your Excel worksheet.

Check the row of tabs and icons at the top of the Excel window (ribbon). You won't discover the option to use a information entry form in whatsoever ribbon tab.

a boy saying what

Don't worry. It's perfectly normal.

You have to add the 'form' selection to the Excel canvass ribbon. To practice this:

  • Correct-click on any of the existing icons you see in the ribbon or toolbar
  • Click on Customize the Ribbon.
  • An Excel Options dialog box should pop upwardly
  • Select All Commands from the drop-down listing
  • Scroll downwards the listing of commands and select Course
  • Now click on Add
customize ribbon in excel

Did it work? If yes, congratulations!

In case it didn't allow you to add together the Class command push button or pick, just click on New Tab > Rename > Proper name information technology 'Form' > click OK.

Then, click on New Group > Add together.

Brand sure the Form option is selected when you click Add together.

form option in excel

And that's it! You have finally completed adding the Class icon to the ribbon.

To admission it quickly in your workbook, click on Quick Admission Toolbar in the same Excel Options dialog box you used earlier.

Select Form under All Commands > click Add together. Then, hit enter.

customize quick access toolbar in Excel

And voila!

You'll discover the Form push or icon announced on the green surface area at the pinnacle of the Excel workbook in the quick admission toolbar.

form button in quick access toolbar

Step 3: Enter course information

Now, you lot tin can click on any cell in your table then on the Form icon to input form data.

A dialog box should open with the field names and some push button options such as New, Delete, Restore, and criteria button.

enter form data

This is a customized data entry form based on the fields in our information.

Enter the desired information in the fields and click on the form button New.

That should make the data appear in your Excel table.

Click on Shut to leave the dialog box and view your data table.

Echo the procedure till y'all have entered all the data you want.

customized data entry

Step four: Restrict data entry based on weather condition

If your hot sauce course contains sure criteria or rules for filling fields, data validation can be useful. It ensures your customers' data conforms to a few weather.

For example, you want the sauce feedback field to only accept brusque texts. And then you can create a data validation dominion to allow but a specific text length.

If a customer enters feedback longer than what you lot desire, it will not be allowed, and they volition encounter an error.

Here'due south how you tin can set these data entry form control conditions:

  • Select the jail cell or cells where you want to add a data validation rule. In this example, we accept selected cells under the feedback cavalcade (D2-D5)
  • Click the Data tab > Data Validation icon > select Data Validation from the drop-downwardly list
Restrict data entry based on conditions in excel
  • The Data Validation dialog box will appear. Under Settings, select Text length from the Allow driblet-down. Then choose the text length condition nether Data and the number of characters. Click OK to utilise the rules

Here we chose the condition 'less than' and set up the feedback character limit to a maximum 'x'.

data validation in excel

Now, when y'all use the information entry form to enter text in the feedback cavalcade, and if it isn't a text under 10 characters, information technology won't be allowed.

You'll exist alerted with a sound and this error message.

error in excel

Just this is merely an example.

Don't stop your customers from singing praises for your sauce! 😛

Information validation simply helps ensure people don't fill in wrong data in the fields.

I mean, what if someone enters the feedback 'amazing' in the proper noun field?

Not bad idea for a name, but no help for your data collection efforts! 😜

Step 5: Start collecting data

You can now collect data using whatever of these options:

  • Ask customers to fill the form past sharing the Excel file with them. Invite them using their email accost or copy and share the spreadsheet link
  • Transport a re-create of the form as an email attachment
  • Fill in the data yourself equally the customers give you feedback

You'll find all these options by clicking on share on the top right corner of your sheet.

share button in excel

Note : This process is dissimilar from creating a custom form using Excel VBA (Visual Basics for Application). Excel VBA is a Microsoft Excel programming language used to automate tasks and perform other functions such as create a text box , userform , etc.

The Excel VBA user form isn't an ideal option since it's even more than complicated to gear up.

three Limitations Of Creating Forms In Excel

Excel does kind of speed upwards the data entry process using the grade functionality.

However, it doesn't make it fun, and that's just one of its limitations.

Here are some more limitations that might make you desire to reconsider using an Excel data entry form:

i. Formula restrictions

Excel formulas have split the earth into 2 teams.

I finds it convenient, and the other finds it impossible.

Similar how some people honey hot sauces while others prefer something sweeter.

But with forms, y'all straight-up tin't enter an Excel formula into a data form field.

You just tin't.

And so why even use Excel?!

2. Field limit

Clearly, at that place's a limit to how many fields there can be in an Excel form.

What do y'all do when you want more than 32 columns (fields)?

Wouldn't it exist easier to have a tool that wasn't as circuitous every bit MS Excel and didn't restrict fields?

3. Not the nearly user-friendly grade

Excel can exist difficult for many users because of the different functions and rules.

To create form in Excel, you must add a feature to the toolbar.

What'south with the hide and seek, Excel?

Oh, and it'south absolutely not user-friendly for Mac users.

Cause approximate what?

The form command doesn't even exist in the Mac version! *scoff*

Having second thoughts most Excel? Here are the top Excel alternatives .

Clearly, you need a tool that can brand upwards for all the Excel form drawbacks and practice more.

Good news!

Introducing ClickUp, one of the world's highest-rated productivity tool used by teams in pocket-size and big companies.

Create Effortless Forms Using ClickUp

ClickUp is the ultimate all-in-one tool to create forms.

What you're looking for is our Form view.

And dissimilar Excel, nosotros don't hide it. Considering we're proud of information technology! 😎

a woman saying when we do a job, we do it right

We as well want you lot to find it without reading a guide like you merely did.

Cheque out these ClickUp Form tips for educators!🍎

To build a form in ClickUp, you lot must add a form view in three simple steps:

  • Open a List, Infinite, or Folder of your option
  • Click on the + button and select Form
  • Proper noun it and add a description

Ensure that the proper name is something catchy or appropriate depending on the purpose of your form.

How's 'Burn down cannot kill a dragon' for a tricky hot sauce form title?

(Warning: Only people who love their spice will become this 😎)

Now allow's build this class!

Yous'll find a bunch of fields on the left panel in the class view. Drag and drop them on your form, and that'south how easy information technology is to add a field.

The panel doesn't have the field you're looking for? No worries!

Just click on the field'south title to rename it.

forms in clickup

Just wait, nosotros're not shut to done being awesome.

Did you know you tin can as well add your company branding in the class view?

After you complete information technology, it's time to share your form.

Spot the 'Share' icon on the top right of the form view. Click on it to copy the direct link for your form to share it with anyone you similar.

Or y'all can build the course into a page via the HTML code through the 'embed code' section.

share form in clickup

Bonus: Form building tips for ClickUp.

And lastly, we're pretty sure y'all won't need whatever other tool if you have ClickUp forms.

But if you adopt other apps like Google Forms, ClickUp can hands integrate with them too. The integration converts Google Forms responses into ClickUp tasks automatically.

What's more?

ClickUp has so many more awesome features in shop for you.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the many features ClickUp has to offer:

  • View tasks in a spreadsheet format with the Table view
  • Create tasks and reminders without the internet with offline mode
  • Assign a single job to multiple assignees
  • Create workflows with custom statuses
  • Set up reminders, then yous don't miss out on important tasks
  • Share all your views with anyone using public sharing
  • Integrate with all your favorite tools, including Trello, Microsoft Teams, Google Drive, etc.
  • Import an Excel file into ClickUp by saving information technology as a CSV
  • Track task durations using the native time tracker

Excel Or ClickUp: What's Hot? 🔥

An Excel class is less of a form creator and more of an easy information entry application.

It can help you avoid mistakes if data entry is part of your daily work.

However, when information technology comes to creating forms, Excel doesn't seem platonic.

Instead, try ClickUp. It's a powerful project management tool that lets you create custom forms using a simple drag and drop functionality.

If there's anything you want to do beyond that, ClickUp has a long list of features, including Mind maps, Workload view, Notepad, priorities, and more than.

And so yous never have to get out the platform for anything. Relieve your precious fourth dimension, people!

Utilize ClickUp for free and create crimson-hot forms that nobody can resist!🌶️

Shaq tasting a hot chicken wing


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