
Which Characteristic Of A Light Wave Must Increase


Which characteristic of a light wave must increase as the light wave passes from glass into air

1 answer:

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The characteristic that must increase is the wavelength. In wave theory, it is said that the number of waves that enter is equal to the number of waves that exit a medium. As the speed of light changes due to the permittivity/permeability of the new medium, the only variable which can change to compensate this change is the wavelength.

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the regular daily rises and falls in sea level caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun on Earth.


Tides can be defined as the rise and fall of water level in water bodies such as lakes and oceans due to the gravitational force of attraction exerted by the moon on earth. The side closest to the moon creates a bulge of water known as high tide. Low tides are generally experienced when a sea level is not within the bulge.

Generally, the gravitational pull of the Moon cause visible changes on planet Earth's surface.

This ultimately implies that, the pull of the Moon's gravity causes high and low tides on planet Earth's surface.

The various types of ocean tides based on the position of the Earth, Moon and the Sun are;

I. Neap tides.

II. Spring tides.

III. Low tide.

IV. High tide.

V. Brown tide.

VI. Rip tide.

VII. Red tide.

The answer to your question is Saturn.

Answer: 0.392 m/s


The Doppler shift equation is:

f'=\frac{V+V_{o}}{V-V_{s}} f


f=8(10)^{4} Hz is the actual frequency of the sound wave

f'=8.002(10)^{4} Hz is the "observed" frequency

V=1570 m/s is the speed of sound

V_{o}=0 m/s is the velocity of the observer, which is stationary

V_{s} is the velocity of the source, which are the red blood cells

Isolating V_{s}:


V_{s}=\frac{1570 m/s(8.002(10)^{4} Hz-8(10)^{4} Hz)}{8.002(10)^{4} Hz}


V_{s}=0.392 m/s

The answer to the question will be 108.76 N.


The mass of the ball is given as m = 0.17 kg.

The initial speed of the ball [ u ] = 37.9 m/s.

The momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass with velocity.

Mathematically momentum P = m × v.

Here, v is the velocity of the body.

Hence, the initial momentum of the ball is calculated as -

P = m × u

= 0.17 kg × 37.9 m/s

= 6.443 kg m/s

The ball returns after striking the bat with a speed of 20.0 m/s.

Hence, the final velocity of the ball [ v ] = 20.0 m/s

The final momentum of the ball is calculated as -

P' = m × v

= 0.17 kg × (-20.0 m/s)

= -3.4 kg m/s.

Here, the negative sign used in the velocity is due to the fact that final velocity is opposite to the initial velocity.

Hence, the change in momentum dP = P' - P

= -3.4 - 6.443 kg m /s

= -9.843 kg m/s

The time of contact of the bat with ball  [ dt ] = 90.5 milliseconds.

= 90.5\times 10^-3\ seconds

From Newton's second law of motion, we know that rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the applied force and takes place along the direction of force.

Mathematically F\ =\ \frac{dP}{dt}

=\ \frac{-9.843}{90.5\times 10^-3}\ N

=\ -0.10876\times 10^3\ N

=\ -108.76\ N

Taking only magnitude of the force, the force applied by the bat to the ball is 105.78 N.

I suppose they can all be classified as compounds

Which Characteristic Of A Light Wave Must Increase


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